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Comprehensive river basin managementRiver Basin Management
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Dongcheng District of Dongguan City Chopsticks River in situ ecological restoration demonstration project
Brief introduction of case
Resource environmental protection based on regional and watershed analysis of water quality standards as the goal, from the planning and design, construction, environmental protection equipment to provide comprehensive solutions。After nearly two years of remediation, the Chopsticks River has stabilized the elimination of black odor, and the water quality has basically reached the five categories of water standards。
Case details

I. Project introduction

Chopsticks River is located in the north of Dongcheng Street, Dongguan City. It is a tributary of Huangsha River and one of the main drainage channels in Wentang community。The downstream end of the rectification section is located at the Chopsticks River exit, the upstream end is located at the orchard Road culvert, and the length of the rectification river is 3.5km, water collection area 10.47km2;The surrounding living areas mainly include Sangyuan Village and Wentang Village. There are industrial parks on the north and south sides of the river. There are orchards on both sides of the upper reaches of the river and fish ponds on both sides of the downstream.The upper reaches of Chopstick River is the culvert outlet of the urban rainwater and sewage mixed drainage network, and the lower reaches the Huangsha River。

Technical route and process flow

When the construction unit has completed the interception and desilting,According to the actual situation of river water environment, the comprehensive management measures of "endogenous control, ecological restoration and living water quality preservation" are carried out,The program of "river swell sediment improvement technology + self-developed integrated intelligent equipment + in-situ ecological restoration technology" is adopted to control the river course,Achieve elimination of black odor,Restoring the ecological functions of river channels,Class V water standards are gradually reached。

Among them, the "river integration intelligent equipment" independently developed by resources and environmental protection is used to collect and treat sewage. After repeated water commissioning and process improvement, the water quality exceeds the standard and the effluent reaches the discharge standard。After treatment, the tail water is directly reused into the river to achieve effective water recharge, form a virtuous cycle, and achieve the purpose of eliminating black odor。

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